Saturday 25 February 2012

Hearing Voices?

Well, VICSERV had a stand at the Voices Vic Conference, and I had the privilege of working on the stand on Friday the 24th of feb 2012.
I found it very interesting listening to the speakers and their experience with hearing voices and how the society treats people with issues in pretty much one format. The system even makes people lie if the treatments are not working on them, because if the treatment isn't working it must be the individuals fault and not the wrong treatment or wrong diagnosis. It's good to know that we have organizations like Prahran Mission, Voices Vic, and other similar Org's out there actually working with the individuals and giving them ownership of their own lives, and treating everyone differently depending on where they are at and at their own pace.
These Organizations rely heavily on gorvernment funding and donations.
Which means it is hard for them to market themselves, so the people who need the help, just get lost in the system and do not know that these places exist. They need more funding/donations/volunteers so they can help more people. That's one reason why I have written this, maybe someone will read it and needs the help or knows someone who hears voices or would like to help financially.
I have also written this to say what is normal and is anyone normal? But as soon as we class someone with a label we then start to look and treat them like a second class citizen. When at the end of the day I don't think anyone is normal, we all have our highs and lows in life and I think when we are down we all want support from family, friends and the community.

Here are some interesting sites:
- Prahran Mission, Hearing Voices
- Ron Coleman

Thursday 16 February 2012

First blog on Ashley's Shed

Ok, my first blog attempt was on the Lauren and Ash blog site. So, this is not my first attempt, but I'm thinking of using this blog as the boys shed blog, where I will blog about sports and other stuff Lauren finds boring, but I like. Hope whomever reads my blogs enjoys the read, I am using the blogs as an outlet for keeping myself mentally active, so we will see how long it last and how well it goes.
Blog out.