Saturday 14 July 2012

My Weekend

Once again I have got the Daylesford home to myself, after enjoying a Friday afternoon with my mum-in-law, where we went to the local pub for some Parma and chips(yes I did get some veges too). Then getting back to the house watching the footy, this then turned into the tour de france, with some fool penn and teller show on ABC. Finally going to bed at midnight.

Waking up very slowly on saturday morning. What have I done today, well, nothing. Slowing getting out of bed in the morning, where I put myself on the couch in front of the TV, with a coffee and toast. Then a shower was in order at lunch time. Deciding to go for a walk, and checking rain radar, I kept it short, which was to the main street, where I gave myself a prize of a nice cup of hot chocolate for my walking achievement. Which, was followed by a walk back to the home, where I put myself back on the couch, which is where I have been since. Having whatever on the TV, currently the Melbourne Vs Fremantle game, while it has been raining on and off outside.

With it beginning to become dark, I must think of dinner. This is most likely heading towards the great fish and chips in Daylesford, but could easily turn into pizza or even chicken and chips. I will make my final decision window shopping, and pondering for probably 20 minutes in the freezing cold. But, they do have great pumpkin cakes at the fish and chips here, which are very yummy in my tummy. Whatever the dinner will be, it will be eating in front of the TV where I might put on a DVD. Now, stupid me, brought a few DVDs and Blu-Rays from home, forgetting that I can only play DVDs in a DVD player, at the Daylesford house, so this has made 70% of my viewing material out of the question. Which means less hassle for me to think about what to watch, which could either be a movie being shown on the TV, Cool Runnings, or the classic star wars episode IV, or maybe the planet of the apes. Rage, on ABC, could be in order at 11pm, followed by bed.

Sunday will be another slow start, where I will slowly ponder on what a weekend I have had, then off to Heathcote, to pick up the wifie, from her scrapbooking weekend retreat with the girls. Ok, time I get of the couch and get some dinner.

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